Wrap-Around Porch in Norwich

July 15, 2020

Well, we just put a porch on the coziest little homestead you can imagine. Complete with little sunny spots and shady hideaways, a stream-side meadow full of sheep and apple trees, and a lovely garden just a few paces away from buzzing honey beehives, this particular home felt more like a woodland oasis than it did a job-site.

It can be challenging to fit an auxiliary structure or porch to an existing house and match the aesthetic. There is also the practical challenge of making sure the geometry of the cut frame matches that of the existing building. This one went off without a hitch. The design looks like the porch has always been there and the shop drawings were pretty much spot-on with what we actually encountered on site. We are most definitely looking forward to doing another one, especially if it has some fancy compound joinery like this one did.