Welcome to Rebecca Copans!

March 14, 2019

TimberHomes is lucky to have found Rebecca Copans to join in on the action at our new shop in Montpelier. Like everyone else at TimberHomes, Rebecca will wear many hats, and she’s already doing so with style and grace. Besides keeping the books, Rebecca will be involved in longer-term financial strategizing, and big picture planning as we steer our ship towards future horizons.

She has worked extensively in government affairs, public relations and communications. Born and raised in Central Vermont, Rebecca worked most recently with Lamoille County Mental Health and Let’s Grow Kids. In an increasingly digital world, working for a progressive, employee-owned company that builds beautiful, tangible products is really appealing. TimberHomes demonstrates an incredible commitment to Vermont’s working landscape. That connection to the land and the strong company ethic promoting a work/life balance are what drew Rebecca to join TimberHomes to manage our book keeping and communications.

A graduate of the University of Vermont and Dartmouth College, Rebecca holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in globalization. Her thesis concentration was the history and societal use of language and its effect on early cognitive development. She lives in Montpelier with her husband Jon and their three children, Shelby, Lucy and Hazen. Outside of work, Rebecca can be found walking in the woods with her dog, sledding, hanging out at the pony barn, cooking dinner that her children won’t eat, gardening, or scheming with friends about how to improve the world we inhabit.

Inquiring minds want to know how she treats her cast iron–she prefers to ignore it and hopes for the best.

Rebecca Copans leads the two ponies that her daughters are riding down a dirt road in Vermont