In Love With Our Tools

December 19, 2017

At TimberHomes, the attitudes and philosophies towards tools are varied. As a breed, timber framers tend to be passionate about their collection of chisels, planes, and even mallets. When it comes to power tools, we’re an opinionated bunch. For smaller power tools such as drills and circular saws, some are ready to spend whatever necessary for the best of the best. Others are content to use the industry standard, as they are often inexpensive, easily fixed, and “good enough”.

However when it comes to larger timber framing tools, we at TimberHomes are of the same mind. There is no substitute for the best! Mafell beam saws, chain mortisers, and bandsaws are always our “go-to” implements. While we’ve in the past had the chance to use other brands, we keep coming back to the same conclusion, nothing cuts as square or true as Mafell.

The geometry of timber framing demands precision. While some of the larger timber frame construction companies use automated “CNC” machines (Computer Numerical Control routers), we, at TimberHomes, have never desired to make that sort of investment. Rather, we enjoy the process of laying out, checking, cutting, and finishing our timbers by hand. While we don’t go to the extreme of hand hewing our timbers, the use of power and hand tools is something we derive a great deal of pleasure from.

Chain Mortiser

Andrew Enjoying His Favorite Mortiser

Rough sawn timbers from the Northeast are typically imperfect by nature. The challenge of working with slightly bowed, knotty, or even out of square wood can be daunting enough. Cutting or morticing with inferior tools can cause problems to compound.  Poorly cut timbers cause big headaches on raising day and a less than perfect end result. At TimberHomes, Mafell is what we use to help put the odds on our side.

 Beam Saw

Helen with the Beam Saw

Mortising a kiosk

Mikey Mortising in Tight Spaces

Student in a timber framing workshop uses a beam saw

Mafell Beam Saw in Action