Late June found Josh packing up a small frame and transporting it to Charlotte, where forces gathered to erect this lovely greenhouse. The frame was cut from white oak timber for rot resistance, and the pegs were riven from scraps of the the same timbers. A curved cherry collar beam inscribed with “2013” swooshes across the front of the greenhouse.
The frame was small, but nudging oak timbers up to vertical is no small feat. The mighty crew of family and friends who assembled to help at this raising brought good cheer, and a strong sense of support and community. We hope this greenhouse will foster life and growth, and be a monument to the community who raised it up.

Tie Raised

3D model of this frame

Key members of the crew

Getting ready for liftoff
Thanks to all who came out for a great day, and special thanks to Arthur Hynes, who took and shared these photos of the days events. (And perhaps lifted a few timbers…)