Decks and entries are two great ways to incorporate the beauty of mortise and tenon joinery into an already existing home. This home remodel project in Central Vermont now sports both. Timberhomes cut these two frames over the summer, and raised them mostly by hand (with tractor assistance), just before Christmas. Why raise in the summer, when timbers just look so good against a snowy-white backdrop?
The deck/porch frame is mainly cut from hemlock beams, which are a little stronger and more rot resistant than our typical eastern white pine. Curved cherry braces festoon the frame, and oak pegs hold the traditional joinery together. All are treated with penofin exterior wood finish, a rosewood oil based finish, so the exposed beams can weather the great outdoors. The entry frame is a Timberhomes standby, with forked posts, a curved cherry tie beam, and step-lap rafters. (See other photos of Timber-Homes built entries in these previous posts: High Performance Home, Post and Beam Home Finished, Entry Roof.) The two forked trees for this entry both came from the client’s land, and never travelled more than 40 miles from where they grew.

Hemlock frame with curved cherry braces

Corner detail with flared post

Vermont home, all dressed up!